Fires in veredereiras communities’ territories in Bonito, Minas Gerais

Minas Gerais CERRADO From August to October 2021, in the municipality of Bonito, northern Minas Gerais state, a large fire raged through the Cochá Gibão State Environmental Preservation Area (APA), victimizing communities known as veredeiras, particularly the communities of Japão and Veredinha. These centuries-old communities have occupied the region for generations, preserving its veredas and…

The Krahô-Kanela people fights for territory and suffers the consequences of the destruction of nature

Cerrado-Amazônia TOCANTINS The Krahô-Kanela people are made up of about 160 indigenous persons whose territory has not yet been fully recognized[1]. Part of the group lives in the Lankraré and Catàmjê village, located between the Formoso and Javaés rivers, in the municipality of Lagoa da Confusão, Tocantins state. In addition to living in a limited…

Encroachment of the agricultural frontier, control of water resources, and territorial conflicts in Piatã

Bahia State CERRADO AND CAATINGA REGIONS The communities of Gerais and Ressaca, located in the municipality of Piatã, in the region of Chapada Diamantina, state of Bahia, have been enduring intense conflict with the company Hayashi Batatas, a local agribusiness enterprise. Gerais is a small region in Piatã that lends its name to the traditional…